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As much as I love performing stage shows, I'm also fortunate to be able to use my hypnosis tools, not only to entertain, but also to help others change their unwanted habits and behaviours that hold them back.


Along side my partner and fellow hypnotherapist Chelsea, we are both proud founders of Freeing Minds Hypnotherapy, both fully certified hypnotherapists with the National Guild Of Hypnotists (NGH) 

Helping individuals control their eating habits, quit smoking, control impulsive behaviours such as gambling, sugar cravings, social media addictions (doom scrolling) vaping, fears and phobias, and much more...

Smoking cessation = £350

All sessions (except smoking cessation) are £95 each, we do offer a block booking discount 3 x therapy sessions = £270


  Life coaching

Another big passion of mine is helping people push forward to accomplish their dreams and life goals, perhaps its for that better job or more motivation in the gym to get that beach body! Whatever the goal, life coaching helps create a positive supporting and structured future pathway!


Hypnotherapy and life coaching create a powerful combination, helping clients achieve life's goals, once the mental blockages and limiting beliefs have been worked on with hypnotherapy, the continued mentoring and support help the client to feel more capable, confident and in control of their own lives, most importantly the client has a sense of direction and momentum!


The power of words!

The word "Addiction" carries with it a powerful force which can anchor the person into a state of  feeling trapped or powerless, smokers who believe they're addicted tend to create an invisible yet unrealistic belief of their own inability to quit smoking! (Hypnotherapy can eliminate this limiting belief)

Apart from very heavy smokers, most are not addicted to smoking, its the idea that traps them!

There are countless times a women who has fallen pregnant will quit smoking for 9months with no bodily withdrawals,

Many smoking cessations only require just one session, with no withdrawals to the client other than irritability ! 

​This is not how a true addictive persons body would react to quitting!

Your beliefs will either limit and control you, or empower and maximise your abilities!


The power of hypnosis!

Why does hypnotherapy work?

When someone is in a hypnotic trance their critical faculty (conscious awareness) is more relaxed and docile, open to suggestion, these suggestions are able to impact the subconscious mind, this is where our habits and emotions are stored and created, its the feeling part of the mind, most of our functions are from the subconscious, in fact they say our conscious mind is taking on between 5 to 12 bits of information per second, our incredible subconscious is taking on 400,000 bit of information per second (give or take)


When hypnotised we are able to reteach the subconscious, how to reframe a situations or how to change limiting beliefs, conscious mind and subconscious are two different levels of awareness, you cannot change a behaviour from one level of consciousness if it was created in the other!


Helping clients reduce their anxiety!

Anxiety is debilitating, this is a condition that's very close to my heart, i suffered with anxiety as a child, i was 8 years old when i had my first panic attack! anxiety followed me all the way to adult life!

Hypnotherapy was the most impacting and influencing tool used in my life for the better! 

I now have the pleasure of helping teens and adults reduce their anxiety!


Quit smoking

Have you had enough of being controlled by your smoking habit?

Tried the patches to no avail?

Its time to change your limiting beliefs' and change your habit for a new healthy one!

Hypnotherapy will help you quit that habit FOREVER!

Therapy via Zoom

We're extremely fortunate to be able to connect around the world via the internet, 90% of our therapy work is done via Zoom!

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